WAN: Wide Area Network
NIC: Network Interface Card
Network Hardware:
- Routers
- Servers
- Printer servers
- File servers
- Email servers
- Bridges
- Gateways
How is data transmitted?
Binary numbers are sent as either electronic pulses or fibre optic light beams.
Methods of Transmitting:
Serial: one wire, one bit at a time.
Parallel: multiple wires, to transmit more data.
Simplex: One direction, eg one direction are simple minded.
Duplex: Both directions simultaneously, eg phone.
Half Duplex: Both directions - one at a time, eg walkie talkie.
- Signal sent between 2 devices to ensure they are both ready to communicate.
- 1st device sends a handshake signal which is acknowledged by the other device.
- This states that each is now ready for communication.
Bit rates:
- Rate of bits that can be sent in 1 second.
- Measured in Baud.
High Bit Rate:
- A streaming video watched over a network would require a high bit rate.
- Large amount of data being transferred.
- Watching a video is time sensitive.
- A low bit rate will result in buffering.
Transmission errors:
- Binary numbers can be corrupted during transmission.
- Echoing back.
- Parity.
- Odd & even (number of ones).
- Check sum.
- Part of the transmission protocol.
- Bus:
- Can function with a broken computer.
- If main connection fails it all goes to goop.
- Ring:
- If one computer breaks the whole ring breaks.
- Cheap fast.
- Star:
- Most common kind of network.
- Mesh:
- //pending
- Tree:
- //pending
- Line:
- Each computer connected to each other in a 'line'.
- If one goes down they all do.
- Fully connected:
- All parts connected directly.
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