- Availability is important.
- Internet download? Drag and drop files? Installation routines (complex programs)? Building from source?
Installation routine:
- Copy executable program onto the users computer.
- Copy and/ or prepare any other files that are needed by the computer.
- Sometimes the latest version will be downloaded from the internet.
- Sometimes they are created the first time the program is used by a user.
- Copy and register any library files that are required by the program.
- This might include making system level changes with the registry.
- Add icons, menu items and short cuts as requested by the user.
- Configure user preferences, eg language.
Exam example:
Explain what an installation routine does:
- The installation routine would provide terms and conditions.
- An installation routine copies executable software onto the computer from the CD-ROM.
- The routine should ask the user as to where to allocate the file(s) and later enquire as to whether they would appreciate icons/ shortcuts in the menu.
- Configuration is saved in a file.
- Programs may need to be extracted from a compressed file.
- User has the opportunity to configure settings.
[*don't be a pleb: write in prose]
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